Talofa bloggers! Today I am going to talk about Monoprints you might be wondering what a monoprint is well when I excplain the process. So first the things you need to grab are three pieces of paper (3x A3) a printing block, a white board ( A4 x1) ink, roller (any colour of your choice ) and some newspaper. So get one piece of paper and draw any animal you would like. Draw patterns if you wish. Get your picture and get your other piece of paper. Now get your whiteboard, ink and roller. On the whiteboard put a bit of ink on your board you only need a tiny bit. Get your roller and roll on the ink until it is nice and tackey. Then put the ink on the shiny side of a printing block. Do it in staight lines. When you have finished get your third or second piece of art and put the blank side on the ink board. Then draw heavy lines over the drawing when it is done peel the drawing against you. Let it dry for about a day. When it's done drying it's done! This is what it shold look like.
And thats a Monoprint and my Monoprint!