Friday, 26 June 2020


Poem compitition!!!!!!!

(That was scary!)

Talofa lava bloggers! Yesterday on Thursday 25 of June  we did a poem competition My poem was called  I didn't do my homework (click on the word to see the poem). I chose this poem because it was my cousins poem and it had a good meaning that everyone can understand abd relate to. I personally dont like homework. Anyhow I think I gave everybody a fair amount of points. So for our poem we had to use expression, hand gestures, use sound effects and MORE AND MORE AND MORE!!!!!!! Ms McGrath came to watch as it was also part of our production audition too! I was excited and scared when Miss Daly called my name. I had butterflies in my stomach. Then after I finished I felt pretty good! Well thats enough from me now well blog you later!

  (The funny thing was that I didn't actually do my homework this week!)


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