Thursday 20 August 2020


 Should we be wearing face masks in public during the coronavirus ...Should we be wearing face masks in public during the coronavirus ...

Another week in lockdown sad I am with my cousin my sister and my brother.  Meets are coming and going at the time. We are all freeking out about lockdown and the rain is TERRIBLE!!!!!!! Hope you guys are staying safe and indoors. Or getting fresh air and doing some exercise at least + doing your work if you do that it = FREEDOM!!!! Now you get to sit on the couch like a couch potato! Well at least thats what me and my sister Richie are doing. . .  Me and my family are baking and creating stuff! I made a butterflies out of fuzzy wire. Tell me what you have done during these few weeks in lockdown? If you are in Waikowhai primary school you would know that we have meets, google meets. Well thanks but I've gotta go now blog ya later!

Here are some photos:


Should we be wearing face masks in public during the coronavirus ...Should we be wearing face masks in public during the coronavirus ...


  1. Hi Arielle, it's great to see that you have started blogging about your Alert Level Three experiences. It would be good to see you using your blog to share your learning and creativity during this time - perhaps you could post photographs of your butterflies, or share a recipe that you have made with your family. I'll look forward to seeing something like this in your next post. Stay safe and keep being kind. :-)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Mrs McGrath,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog. As you can see I have added three photos of my experiences in lockdown. I have shared a recipe on the Te waka ako cookbook. If you would like to see it click on this link ( copy and paste o na new tab if you can't get on it.) Well thank you for commeting on my blog and if you have anything that you have done and thats all from me bye!

  2. Hi Arielle,

    What have you baked so far?
    I have done a bit of baking with my kids, so far we have made cookies and caramel slice.
    The weather has been really bad so far, but fingers crossed it clears up!
    Are you enjoying the google meets?

    Keep up the awesome blogging :)

    1. Hi Mrs Najak,
      I am so suprised that you have made cookies and caramal slice! I have never made cookies or caramel before so well done you! I made cupcakes with whipped cream and a lollie on top! The weather really is bad but I hope it well get better too. I am enjoying the google meets! Are you? Well I know Manukau is a great class! Well thank you for commenting on my blog bye!

  3. Hi Arielle, Tayla Here from Marshland school
    I Really dont want to go to lockdown again
    I really like Baking do you?
    Maybe next time you could share a picture of what you have baked
    See Ya Tayla

    1. Hi Talya!
      I haven't had anyone from other schools comment on my blog before so thanks! I don't want to be in lockdown to but we have to listen to Jacinda Ardern and keep being persistent. And I LOVE baking it's one of my favourite hobbies! And see ya later maybe you could share me the link to your blog so I can yours! Bye!

  4. Hi Arielle its Honey here from Marshland School ;D. I hope you are going ok in lock down. My School is not in lock down, but I'm still scared :c. Next time maybe add a picture of what you have baked. I know others have said that as well but really its the only thing you need to improve, because everything else is amazing! This blog reminds me of when I was in lock down ( scary times). Stay safe Arielle. From Honey :).

    1. Hi Honey!
      Thankyou for commenting on my blog. I really appreciate it. Thank you for asking if I was going ok in Lockdown I hope you were ok while we were in lockdown. Even if you're scared, it will only make your fear bigger. As you can tell I put a picture on there I couldn't find an actual photo of the baking that we did, so I just found a photo that looked a bit like it. I know what you feel when you said that it reminded you about your experience in the first Lockdown. so you stay safe to Honey.
      Have a good life, Arielle.

  5. Kia Ora Arielle,
    Its Aamena from Manukau. Wow! What a great post you've done! Hope you feel better because no idea when schools gonna open! I liked the photos you've done on your blogpost! You've done a lot of creating and its amazing! The Question that you asked I've mostly been playing with my siblings all day! Yeah, The weather has been very rainy but lets see how it goes. Thanks for sharing your blogpost Arille, You could visit my blog on
    Bye! Have a great day! (See you on Fancy Friday Google Meet!)

    1. Talofa Aamena,
      as you know it is Arielle from waitemata I really appreciate you commenting on my blog. Thank you for asking if I feel better. I hope you're feeling good too. Well don’t get too excited now because I heard that we start school on Monday. I didn't know that you had siblings! I know that you've been playing but have you been creating something with your other siblings? But you are right the weather has been really rainy and yes let's see how it goes. . . but I know I will see you soon. I will check out your blog some day and you will be a bit lucky because when you go to intermediate the school year for you is going to be very short this year the bad thing is he might have to start school again because the school year was very very short! well thank you for commenting on my blog really appreciate it well that's enough for me now, blog you later!

  6. Talofa Arielle, These are amazing photo's! That's so cool, I really like how you told us what you were doing! What was your favourite part about lock down? Do you like google meet's better than real school? How do you feel about lock down even though we are not in lock down any more? You seem like you have a big bubble! Thank you for sharing what you have been doing! Have a great day Bye!

  7. Hello Arielle. My name is Casper from Ahipara school. I like your cool emoji images and and your pictures of all that delicious stuff. Keep up the good work.


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