Wednesday 27 October 2021


 TALOFA!!! And welcome back so today I am back with another Writing task which was planning our fable this is what I came up with:


Wednesday- Planning 

Moral lesson: Telling the truth 


How I plan to teach the moral lesson in my fable: The Main character will be lying about a dangerous animal and yells for help just to get the animals out out their homes and steal the food. Then at the end when they want help all the others are gone and the main character is all alone.


Characters (At least 2): Dog Cat Chicken Fish

 Well here is a challenge I want you to read my last post and to read over and try do write a fable or just tell me in the comment and if you can send me your blog link well that's all from me today ALOHA!!!!!!!!


















Tuesday 26 October 2021

Writing Fables

 You might be wondering? (Or not wondering) What in the mother nature world is a fable? Well I'm glad you didn't ask! Here is my little description:

My understanding of a Fable: 

A fable is a fictional story. A fable usually has a moral (Like a point to the story) . It could be about how not to listen to what everyone else has to say or how to look for the good side of life and not the bad. Everyone has there own history sometimes history can be part of a fable. When I first heard of a fable I thought "This has nothing to do with me!" But now whenever I feel insecure or like I'm all alone I make my own fable! 


I didn't really understand what the point of a fable was but now I do with the help of my teacher Miss L!!!!!



Here is a fable for you to read! 

Friday 24 September 2021

Ruins: NewsReport

News Report, One News.

Talofa Lava bloggers! 😷 As you might know Auckland has been changed to level 3!!!! Which you know what that means! TAKEAWAYS!!!!!!

YOU CAN ALMOST TASTE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL But still we have ONLINE LEARNING. I like it because I get to do my work in my bed. We went for a drive because my brother is autistic and we got a license so that we can take him for a drive. (autistic meaning on the word) LOOK OUT THE WINDOW AND WHAT DO YOU SEE. An entire line of people lining up at Macdonalds!!! Anyway to the actuall point of the blog. Ok so yesterday AKA Thursday September 23rd at exactly 1:02. I did one of my reading tasks which was this: LINK or this LINK. So yeah we had to write about that ⬅. I didn't feel like writing a new character or finishing off the story so I decided to write was a News Report! I had so many ideas that I tried to put in one paragraph! But anyway here it is! LINK

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Alien Name!!!!!

 Alien Name!!!

Ok so first of all I know the title is a bit weird but anyway IT IS THE END OF THE WEEK!!!!!! And  as we all know we were back in lockdown 2 or 3 weeks ago and we are back to online work. Speaking about online work some of our reading work was very fun and entertaining. So this task was called My planet! But I decided to change the name a bit but now that I think of it it dosen't sound that great HAHA! But anywho here is the main point of my blog so today for our blog we have something I haven't done before so YEAH! So I am going to write this as a procedural text like the kind of text you would find in like cook books! So yah! Wish me luck and here I go!!

My Planet

This is great for occupying yourself during lockdown and testing your ability of . . . ALIEN DESIGN.


Paper (Non grease and baking paper is good)
Pencil or pen 


Step one:

Get your paper and fold it long side

Step two:

Write our name in big curvy and swirly letters.

Step three:

Fold the paper and face it up to a window then join the lines so it makes an alien type of shape!

Step four: 

Draw whatever you want around it and then enjoy your alien!!! 

Friday 3 September 2021

Chris Moran. (R.I.P)

In 1973 Chris broke his neck playing rugby for Waihi athletic club. Chris became tetraplegic. Chris soon started to participate in Paralympic sport he made his first international competition at the FESPIC games in Australia 1977 where he received 1 gold and 3 silver medals in the Paralympic athletics one year later thanks to sporting achievements he was awarded Marlborough Sportsman of the year. He represented his country at the Arnhem 1980 Paralympic Games in Holland. He competed in the Paralympic athletics and Paralympics swimming. Chris missed a place on the podium when he achieved fourth place in the discus throw 1B. That was a little blurb about Chris Moran. Here is my DLO ( digital learning object) I made my DLO in a Google drawing. Here it is!

Thursday 5 August 2021

How To Play Lape! Writing Procedural.

How To Play Lape! Writing Procedural. 

Talofa Readers! We were writing a Procedural text which is a text where you have to explain a game using instructions which we write ourselves. I chose Lape which is a game from Samoa. This is what I wrote:

Lape is a game played in Samoa and can be played by almost any number of people but one or two or three.

From the game that my mum taught to all the people who are teaching the cultural games which are kids. I learnt that sometimes they had a jandel in Samoa to hit with so it didn't hurt their hands.

Goal: Is for the fielding team to catch the ball when it's hit or to get the ball onto a base when the hitting team gets on the base.

Hope you enjoyed it. Aloha bloggers!

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Waikowhai Student Led Toolkits W.S.L.T


 It was 16/6/21 and I was so relieved not to be a presenter! Answer YES. It was a bright sunny day when I had just finished a LONG assembly. Toolkits is an online presentation that has been presented by two or three children. For STEM week. But it had to be appropriate to class. We all had a little strip of paper that told us where we were going for our first toolkit right before morning tea. A few days ago we went on a site that the teachers had put on for us to choose our three toolkits. There was a lot to choose from and I chose the three that I thought sounded pretty fun. I chose : Piskel, Musiclab and Book creator. And they had 35 mins to show and present their presentations. 

I went to my first toolkit which was Piskel presented by Zara and Josie. Piskel is an online tool used by colouring squares in the same or a different colour. I was going to draw a T-shirt that says SAMOA but I drew this instead CLICK HERE OR CLICK HERE . I had so much fun and learnt lots of things like the mirror tool that will copy ANYTHING you do by just copying the page! 

Then after morning tea we went on to our next two toolkits and I had just been waiting for thing one and it was presented by my friends Erana and Paityn. They were presenting music lab that was probably my favourite one because I really like music and playing instruments. And what I liked most was when there was a big place in the music lab website where I had to click one of the squares and it would show a colour and it would make a music note. 

For my last toolkit I went into my own class and the toolkit was ... BOOK CREATOR!!!! I was pretty intrigued when I heard the name BOOK CREATOR. The presenters for this toolkit was Ayana and Nora were the presenters and I was very very excited. First they showed us how to login and we tried to figure it out ourselves but they showed us anyway. We could make two kinds of books: a normal one and a comic. I made a comic about Samoa and will blog about it when I am finished. 

I really enjoyed this toolkit and I really want to be a presenter and I hope our teachers let us do this again at the end of the year.

Plus STEM means : S Science T Technology E Engineering and Mathematics.